City of Calvert City, Kentucky
The best of life is right here in Calvert City!
Comprehensive & Strategic Planning That life is limited only by your imagination. So, let's imagine BIG, another generation depends on us.” This quote from the late Mayor of Calvert City, Lynn Jones, set the tone for a robust and energized Strategic Planning process with the Council and City. The City partnered with Chastain to help identify, sort, and prioritize goals and actions for the Council over the next five to seven years. To begin, a link to an online community survey was distributed via the City’s website and social media outlets. This effective, low cost survey was an easy way to reach the entire community. In all, nearly 250 surveys were collected. Included in this survey were also responses collected from the Senior Class of 2020. Additionally, information was collected from the Comprehensive Plan and previous Strategic Plan. The information gathered from the survey was then organized and presented to the Council during an evening workshop which was conducted via video conference. The Council spent the evening reviewing and discussing the results of the survey. From these assets and liabilities the Council formed long-term goals for the community. This short, but effective process resulted in the City’s Strategic Plan. Key elements of this plan include recreation, mobility and transportation, beautification, local economy, housing and infrastructure. Once the goals were established, an implementation plan was outlined which included responsible parties, action items, time-frames, and potential funding sources—all of which were prioritized. One of the most exciting and unique aspects to come out of the workshop and Strategic Plan is the Housing Playbook. The idea of the playbook is to arm realtors, homebuyers, and developers |
with menu style options for upgrading and expanding the current housing stock in Calvert City. It will provide Zoning Ordinance approved layouts, cost ranges, and finishes for that homebuyer looking to add their own personal touches to their new home. Accomplishing the action item of a Housing Playbook will make the City’s goal of making Calvert City a place to find a great home, a reality.
Ultimately, the Strategic Plan will assist the Council allocate the City’s limited resources on the projects and services most desired and needed in their community, ensuring a brighter and better Calvert City for the next generation. |