Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
Palos Height Stormwater Management Phase II Planning & Design, Chicago, Illinois
Chastain is providing Stormwater Management Phase II Planning and Design services as part of a regional stormwater initiative. Project goals are to identify causes and develop a plan to mitigate chronic street and yard flooding in the Cypress Drive area. There are several properties along a tributary to Navajo Creek which flood with regular frequency. Planning efforts will include field survey of approximately six city blocks including streets, side yards and rear yard areas, conduct property owner interviews, and perform hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to simulate current conditions and evaluate proposed solutions. Design efforts are anticipated to include development of design plans and contract documents to implement a preferred mitigation alternate. Mitigation efforts are anticipated to include a combination of flood storage, new culverts and new storm sewer collection systems. Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling will be completed utilizing a combination of HEC-HMS, TR-20, HEC-RAS, and XP-SWMM. Project deliverables is a Preliminary Drainage Report of findings and solutions inclusive of preliminary (30%) plans of the selected alternative. |